---->>><<..::DE MIM SEI EU::..>><<----

Eu sei de mim, de mim sei eu. Ainda bem. Um blog solo de Álcio e Suas Vozes Na Cabeça.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Now that we've run this road so many times
Tonight it will not take us home
Gonna go to that deep river
Where the water's moving slow


Feels like there's nothing to explain
(Nothing left to hear)
One more or less it's all the same
Now that it's feeling so much colder
(Coming back again)
Just be glad that it's all over

Now that we've closed our eyes so many times
Tonight I cannot see a thing
Gonna go to that deep river
Where the water's moving slow


Feels like there's nothing to explain
(Nothing left to hear)
And now you know just who to blame
For why you're feeling so much colder
(Coming back again)
Just be glad that it's all over

Gonna go to that deep river

*som de 100.000 pessoas*(aeeeeeeeeeee!)


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