---->>><<..::DE MIM SEI EU::..>><<----

Eu sei de mim, de mim sei eu. Ainda bem. Um blog solo de Álcio e Suas Vozes Na Cabeça.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Do fórum do QOTSA:

Durante o feriado prolongado paulista, aquele da revolução constitucionalista, rola o Claro Q É Rock 2007 - Nas Montanhas (O nome é por causa do local onde vai rolar, em pleno inverno brasileiro, na montanhosa cidade sul - mineira; Poços .."Vulcão Adormecido.." de Caldas - 260Km de SP, 380Km de BH e 440Km do RJ), dentro do estádio municipal, o .."Ronaldão..", pra público entre 5 e 7 mil pessoas. Naquele esquema: um palco em cada lado do campo, sempre tem show, uma vez em cada gol.

Claro Q É Hard Rock, segunda-feira (09/07) [5 bandas]
15:00 - Pilotus (SP)
16:00 - MQN (GO)
17:00 - Forgotten Boys (SP)
18:00 - Wolfmother (AUS)
19:00 - Queens Of The Stone Age (USA)

Ô Marcos, já vai arrumando aquele busão pra rapeize!!! :)))


Falando em Cuíns:

SXSW 2007: Queens of the Stone Age Sneak Peek
We get a tasty "first listen" of Era Vulgaris.
by Spence D.

March 16, 2007 - There is no question that Queens of the Stone Age are one of the more intriguing bands of the day. With four studio albums and one live one to their credit the Josh Homme fronted outfit has more or less redefined hard rock for the new millennium.

The band currently has a fifth album, Era Vulgaris, on tap for a sometime-in-June release. While they've leaked a few song titles around the Net in the past few weeks, very little has been penned about what the album actually sounds like. Lucky for you we got a sneak peek taste of nine of the album's tracks. However, keep in mind that the mix we heard was incredibly rough and none of the songs were guaranteed to be in the final sequence (not to mention that we only heard nine tracks, which isn't close to the full album the band is still putting the finishing touches on).


"Turning On The Screw"
A heavy bass drum kick draws you into this track which quickly turns into grind/lurch and stutter blip driven patented QOTSA riffage. There's a rusted out solo that will scratch and scrape its way into your brain. Plus there's plenty of swirling psychedelic vocal drippings to keep things fresh.

"Sick, Sick, Sick"
A grind-n-pull guitar blitz streamlines itself out in a herky-jerk schism sounding a lot like it was recorded in a stagnant underground cesspool of psychedelic spasm. This is a good thing, trust me. There's also an unnerving rhythmic sense of repetition that creates an aggressive and propulsive drone lending the song that feeling you get when you have the dry heaves: tension/relief/tension/relief. Again, this is a good thing. Trust us.

"Into The Hollow"
This number begins with fairy tale derived plinking and then devolves into a Sabbathesque shuffle. Josh really begins exploring more melodically expansive side of his vocals to the point that you can almost call it swooning (or crooning), but in a very Queens sense of the word. This track is very much a product of the '60s, with tinges of Steppenwolf lurking under the mist.

"Battery Acid"
Caustic, just as the name implies. This is almost a railing punk dervish with Josh returning to his familiar sardonic vocal drone so much so that he almost sounds like Chris Cornell's bastard offspring at times. However his timbre is much more subdued in tone and variation. Underneath it all is an ever-so-faint military cadence. Mid-way through the track, however, Josh slips into a melodically hypnotic refrain that provides an intriguingly chaotic juxtaposition in stylistics.

"River In The Road"
Sadly, I got distracted during this song (I forgot to mention that part of the event was being sponsored by Zune and I was lucky enough to get a first hand demonstration of the new player from my man Cesar), but I seem to recall it being one of the more aggressive of the bunch.

"Suture Up Your Future
This is a mellow loping bit of melancholy "pop." Naturally using the term "pop" in reference to the music of Queens is a precarious thing indeed, but it was instilled with a beautiful sense of lyrical lilting that showcases Homme really coming into his own as a mature vocalist.

"3's & 7's"
This one went straight back to the jugular with plenty of crunch, lurch, and chaos.

"I'm Designer"
Again, Josh returning to his aggressive vocal grind as a cool drum and rhythm chasm opened up some sonic schizophrenia supreme.

"Make It Witchu"
This track is a mellow, piano driven number steeped in rich darkness with alluring female vocals working well to enhance both Homme's restrained croon and the overall mood of the song itself.

Again, while none of the tracks I heard are guaranteed to be on the album in exactly the same shape, it provided a sweet glimpse at what we can expect in June. Perhaps the most noticeable difference this time around is that Josh seems to be reaching out and taking his singing to the next level. While there is still plenty of his trademark drone and clamor style lurking throughout the songs, there's also a ton of really melodic and hauntingly beautiful vocals, singing that borders on the delicate and hypnotic and shows the man moving outside of his former comfort zone to embrace his inner classic pop star (think along the lines of Sinatra and other classic vocalists).
As much as we hate hype and circumstance, this may very well be the best thing that Josh and the rest of the Queens have laid to tape since R made them a somewhat household name back in 2000.

Para quem quer sacar a idéia de algumas músicas novas, o scaras disponibilizaram dois vídeos "teasers":

Claro que existem aqueles que já falam em "melhor música deles!" e tal... admiro essa gente que consegue achar isso com 20 segundos de uma faixa não acabada... mas vá lá... hehehehehe. Eu aqui prefiro não falar absolutamente nada até ter o disco nas mãos.


At 6:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Opa, consegui comentar aqui.
Seria massa mas acho que é um boato. Esperemos, todavia...

At 10:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Opa! Bacana hein? Beeeeeeem bacana.


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